Professional Growth (draft)
Step Advancing
- Click to view the Step Advancement Requirements Manual.
- Click to redirect to LAUSD Adult and Career Education | Step Advancement page.
Before you begin...
The general information provided here is for your convenience only and must never be considered an official source.
Please, always consult the Human Resource Division Certificated Assignment & Support Services Salary Allocations Unit for official and current information.
You may also wish to visit Adult and Career Education Human Resources Web Page.
Growth & Development
- Conference Attendance
- Workshop Attendance
- Seminar Attendance
- Level I Coursework
- Level II Coursework
- Development of Course Outlines
- Evaluation of Educational Materials
- Presentation of a Demonstration Lesson for New Teachers
- Peer Observations (Teachers on Step A)
- Peer Observations (Teachers on Step B)
- Presentation of a Workshop
- Co-Presentation of a Workshop
Other Staff Development activities (e.g., grant writing, research, technology innovation) require pre-approval by the Division Superintendent or designee. For more details, refer to
Advancement Forms
There are specific forms to request Salary Step Advancement hours or educational credit. Some forms require the principal's signature both before and after completing the professional development activity, as part of the approval and verification process.
- CA - Conference, workshop, and seminar attendance
- CP - Presenting a workshop at a conference, workshop, and seminar
- CW - College coursework
- D - Presenting a demonstration lesson to other teachers
- O - Peer observations
- U - Master or Doctorate degree differential
SSA Application Submission
Ensure all documents, including the Application for Step Advancement (Form 1903) and official proof of completing 30 hours of Staff Development, are submitted together by June 15th. This submission ensures the Step Advancement takes effect from the following July 1.
For the latest Step Advancement Application form, (revised in March 2019,) refer to HR Form 1903 Application for Step Advancement.
Submission Options
Documents can be submitted to the Adult and Career Salary Allocation Unit in three ways:
- In person: Beaudry Building, 15th Floor, 333 South Beaudry, Los Angeles, California 90017.
- School mail: Address to Adult and Career Salary Allocation Unit, Beaudry Building 15th Floor.
- U.S. mail: LAUSD, Division of Adult and Career Education (DACE), Adult and Career Salary Allocation Unit, 15th Floor, Post Office Box 3307, Los Angeles, California 90051.
Find & Request PD
Important Forms
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